Doing’s World


We are lied to by our phones, those things that we carry everywhere; they confirm our biases, take our time and perpetuate polarization. They lead the way in the forming of the technological world, which at this rate has the potential to become a metaverse. A way of existence entirely separate from the natural world that our creator intended for us. These technological advances have created an intricate and complex system that belittles who we are at a soulful level. These screens bombard our senses, turning them into mush that conform to the molds that are ever encroaching around our senses. Technology is a new tool for humans with the capability of being the demise of humans and the natural world with it.

Be the butterfly, incubating in its cacoon, for soon all of us butterflies will hatch reclaiming our senses, waking up from the illusion, and returning to the natural world.

Within 6 Feet

As the fear surrounding the pandemic deeps, our emotions about one another intensifies.

Friends become strangers, strangers become enemies, and anyone in our space becomes a danger. The topic of the virus infects every conversation and every circle of people. No one seems to understand their own views, looking to others for a hint about how to act. We are plunged into uncertainty, which begs the question is fear or covid-19 more infectious?

Donald Trump

“I have a great relationship with the blacks.”

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose voters.”

“It is very hard for them to attack me on looks because I am so good-looking.”

“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

Technological Assimilation

We are putting technology in the hands of young children with the age ever decreasing. Phones have become babysitters, teachers, and friends for our youth. They are plugged in before their minds can comprehend the cost that comes down the road.