Why is Ean Sequoia Jones

an Artist?

Through the years that I transitioned into an adult, I was bombarded with difficult events. I was without outlets for my emotions. I began writing so I could process and mend these events. I began to realize that I lacked the words to fully express my emotions. No matter how much I wrote the message wasn’t sufficient. In truth language as a whole lacked the words. painting solved this disparity, expressing myself without the need for words. I am an artist expressing in the pursuit of meaning.

A Sojoist

surviving in the modern world dirties my soul

creating art is how I clean my soul

Ean Sequoia Jones TM

In my late teens, I fit into the labels which helped me express who I was. Athlete. student. adventurer, old soul. boyfriend. I cared about how others perceived me, the labels on my clothes, my hair, and my behavior.

I moved between friend groups, clubs, and hobbies looking for a place to belong. None of them seemed to fit, It always felt like there was more to me than the label that I was defining myself by.

This led me to a life-changing realization that defining myself by things that were outside of myself kept me from the wholesome expression of my identity. Who I am is within, that spark of life that is unique to me is beyond the structures of Man’s world. finding myself is a discovery that takes place within.

I was previously living without a conscious understanding of who I was. The moment I reclaimed my conscious identity best pinpoints the blossoming of my soul. Its growth and nurturing were with loving acceptance for who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming!

“Much of the evil in the world is due to the fact that man, in general, is hopelessly unconscious.” -Carl Jung

In this painting, I symbolically attached the labels from the complete removal of labels from my wardrobe and my identity. The portrait’s intense appearance shares the battle of defining my inner self with the outer world.

“You don’t find peace until you love yourself as much as God loves you”

-5 year Old Ean Sequoia Jones


This Self Portrait was made once I embarked on my journey that marked my rite of passage into adulthood. I was away from home, away from all that held me to my childhood identity. I was in Florida on the other side of the country where I could discover this new adult self. I met a great number of new people across varying states and cultures. Having just been exposed to the people of Louisiana and Florida I grasped the magnitude of the variations of personality.

This was freeing, I felt comfortable in whatever identity I chose in adulthood. I found that meeting normal people was boring, the raw and radical personalities made stories worth telling. I wanted to be a story worth telling so I took on the name of Sequoia (my middle name), a name of the bold character that I want to let shine.

“I once lived a boring life, one that did not satisfy me. With the strength to start all over again I am now living a life that I am proud of with more possibilties than I can handle.” -Sequoia


Who AM I?

I was traveling alone, in unfamiliar places without anybody familiar to anchor my identity to. Instead of a son, brother, uncle, or friend I was the traveler in passing to most that I met.

I discovered so many new selves in these new places, my known identity droooped

A Sojoist

I create art to express who I am

I create art so that the blind may see

I create art to get people thinkin